Studio Onno Adriaanse, founded in 2016 in Eindhoven (NL) after Onno graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven, focuses on sculptural design that merges functionality with emotional impact. Inspired by landscapes and geological processes, the studio creates unique design objects and high-quality interior finishes, characterized by craftsmanship and material exploration. Onno's childhood fascination with nature—stones, animals, and plants—continues to shape his designs, translating natural forms and processes into art.

The studio collaborates with galleries and designers, working on both commissioned and self-initiated projects. Its collections, such as "Clay Discs" (2022) and "Tide" (2023), evoke the beauty of natural phenomena like dried soil or beach textures, offering a peaceful escape from the fast-paced, digital world. Through these works, Onno aims to inspire wonder and connect people with the earth’s timeless rhythms and forms.