Simon Ganshorn (b. 1985, Aarhus, Denmark)

“I'm exploring the physical stimulation of the body—the sensory, the atmospheric, the verbal, the non-verbal, the erotic, the unsettling, the mythological—everything I find relevant and present. I use video to uncover the different movements that shape my practice. I work with video, painting, sculpture, text, installation, sound, and soon, theater.

I am moved by beauty; it fills me. I can't explain it, but I feel drawn to objects that bring meaning into my life. Transforming something that initially seems devoid of beauty into something that suddenly feels essential—that's what speaks to me. Every work must have a pebble in its shoe.

I am a builder of spaces. The perfect space is one that grabs my body, leads me through, and places me in new contexts. The home, the holiest of spaces, is where my deepest interest lies. I cherish beauty, authenticity, presence—sincere emotions expressed through material, allowing me to feel myself when I observe it.

Out of chaos comes order, aggression transformed. Balance is created. I set the stage for conversation, meals, arguments, reconciliation, release. I want to design the space, direct the room, and witness how bodies are touched and seduced within it.”


  • 2018 – 2020 The Glasgow School of Art 

    2020 – 2023 Funen Art Academy

  • 2024

    Solen er så rød, solo exhibition, Galleri Lene Bilgrav, Aarhus, Denmark


    Årgang 2023, group exhibition, Møstings Hus, Copenhagen, Denmark Enter Art Fair, Galleri Lene Bilgrav, Copenhagen, Denmark


    Rolig Rolig, solo exhibition, Galleri Lene Bilgrav, Aarhus, Denmark


    Odense Skulptur Triennale, group exhibition, Odense, Denmark 


    Sikås Biennale 2020, Sikås, Sweden


    Twenty Four, group exhibition, Bricks Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark 

    Stilleben, group exhibition, Kunstbygningen I Vrå, Vrå, Denmark

    TINFOIL AGENDA, group exhibition, Marie Kirkegaard Galleri Copenhagen, Denmark 

    Portrait Now, group exhibition, The Museum of National History, Hillerød, Denmark {GIFC Tour}


    Papercuts, group exhibition, Kristian Day, London Solo show, Kbh_Kabinet. Copenhagen, Denmark

    Solo show, Grand Teatret, Copenhagen, Denmark {GIFC TOUR}


    Papercuts, group exhibition, Kristian Day, London

    Welcome to the human experience, we are the ones doing works on canvas painting xxxx, group exhibition, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark


    KP13 The artists easter exhibition, Kunsthal Aarhus, Contemporary Art Center, Aarhus, Denmark 


    KE12 The artist autumn exhibition, Den frie, Centre of contemporary art, Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 2019

    Honeymoon, Morten Schelde & Lene Bach Lauritsen, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Walking Landscape Thirteen Stones In Between Nature, Jon Erik Nyholm, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark

    404 Ghost, Sune Lysdal, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark
    In the kitchen, Julia Hvidtved, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Erasing The Mask- A Collection, Rasmus Højfeldt, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark Evolution Of The Mind, Jon Stahn, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Constant negotiation, Thorbjørn Bechmann, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark, Awarded by Statens kunstfond /The State Arts Foundation


    Room service, Sophie Hjerl. CGK,
    Copenhagen, Denmark,
    Awarded by Statens Kunstfond/The State Arts Foundation
    Closed on Mondays, David Dellagi, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Certain kind of sadness, Simon Grimm CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark,
    Depict The Mask, group exhibition, curated with Rasmus Højfeldt, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark, Realtid Notat, Stoffer, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Tarv, group exhibition under Copenhagen Photo Festival,
    Curated with Marie Anine Møller, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark
    The origin of who you are right now, KVADRAT 16, Copenhagen, Denmark


    Welcome to the human experience, we are the ones doing works on canvas painting xxxx, group exhibition, curated with Galina Munroe & Jordy Kerwick, CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark, Gruppeudstilling, group exhibition, curated with Benjamin Savi & Rasmus Styrmer
    CGK, Copenhagen, Denmark

    In the Gallery 3, group exhibition, curated with Rasmus Styrmer, CGK, Copenhagen Denmark